The Power of Luck: A User’s Manual

Pinned on December 25, 2012 at 11:53 pm by Shirley Clauson

The Power of Luck: A User’s Manual
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Building up the runaway success of their bestseller The Art of Soaring, the authors propel you into the stratosphere of light and laughter. With its tantalizing real-life stories and a veritable avalanche of everyday magic , The Power of Luck unveils an ancient tradition of dissolving any problems in humor. It offers a path to laughter, freedom, and power. Put luck to work and let your results speak for themselves!

Things you never believed possible are now within your reach. Have noisy neighbors? Use the mute button on your remote control to calm them down! Tomatoes not ripening on time? Walk your garden in a swimsuit, and they ll blush red! This book s mind-bending and efficient techniques expand our vision of what can be achieved in this life and how.

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P. Koehler "" says:

Same Word for Word content as Art of Soaring You can read my review of the book “The Art of Soaring” to get an honest review of these two books. I feel many people might want to purchase these after completing the Anastasia Ringing Cedar series which was good set of books. These two follow-up books (The Art of Soaring and The Power of Luck)by Vladimir Dolokhov are not related and are not the same in any way. Let yourself digest Anastasia or read that series again before getting off into the area these other books lead to. The Power of Luck is word for word the same book as The Art of Soaring for as much as 60%!! of the book?? Why nobody mentions this, and why this is, I really wonder. Same pages Same chapters and same word for word stories!! Did I some how get a copy of some production error? The Truth is you would only need to by one of the two books not both. I would pick “The Art of Soaring”. The cultural differences here in interpretation and Russian folklore are heavier and much more obvious to a Western culture reader than in the Anastasia series which had its share of culture none the less. As a professional healer, shaman and visionary I see the attempt to accomplish what many other modern writers have tried to do in putting a written interpretation of magic and the power of consciousness and belief into practice. Its a difficult task but there are still missing components that should be included collaboratively for readers seeking this journey. What you have in both books is a number of short stories where a group of magicians use renaming, rethinking, and recreating a scenario enable to effect the outside world. The examples are fun and whimsical, interesting and imaginative but I felt you wouldn’t need to read these stories twice and the concepts presented in this book are heavy and may not make sense to many readers. I might suggest you read “As a Man Thinketh” before reading either of these Dolokhov books.

A. Ross says:

Experience the luxury of luck What is luck? The answer is not what you may think! It has nothing to do with winning in a lottery – it is actually much more rewarding than that. My first reward came from reading this book – it made me laugh so much my belly hurt. “The Power of Luck” is a very practical and deeply insightful look at how we can let go of all our problems… by going nuts! It is brilliant, and just reading it gives you an emotional uplift. But what comes next is even more interesting: you start playfully resolving your “problems” by changing the way we see these “problems”, literally turning them into a joke. The techniques for achieving this are simple and most ingenious, so I am not surprised this book already became a mega-bestseller overseas. I emerged from it with renewed hope and joy of life – and a smile. I can’t recommend it highly enough!

Dr. Leonid Sharashkin says:

You’ll never stop to be amazed! Once in a while you come across a book that expands your horizon to the point of giving you a whole new perspective on life. “The Power of Luck” did just that for me. After reading the outstanding by the same authors I thought I knew what to expect from this new volume, but it surpassed all expectations! gives you wings to fly, and “The Power of Luck” equips you with a jet engine to get beyond all limitations! Many books talk about “creating your reality”, but “The Power of Luck” actually delivers it. The authors share alluring techniques from a hidden ancient tradition of overcoming any obstacles through laughter. It works like a charm!

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