Dead Fred Pen Holder

Pinned on December 25, 2012 at 2:00 am by Matthew Weaver

Dead Fred Pen Holder
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Feeling stressed and frustrated? Need someone to take your aggression out on? And somewhere to keep that pesky pen you keep losing under the edge of your computer keyboard? Well Dead Fred is the man for you! Alleviate all that pent up aggression by violently and repeatedly stabbing Fred through the heart… and is if by magic there it is, just where you left it, your pen right at your fingertips – and your stress and frustration, vanished!

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J. A. Fielder says:

Finally! A place to store my pen! For the past 24 years, I’ve been working in my cube without a place to put my pen when I’m not using it. A couple years ago, I tried putting my pen in a cup, but then when I wasn’t looking I reached to take a drink and stabbed myself in the eye with my pen. I lost my eye, but my company wouldn’t pay workman’s comp because they said it was my fault for stabbing myself in the eye with my pen, and that maybe I had done it on purpose. Why would I stab myself in the eye?Anyway, I’ve also tried storing my pen on my desk, but it rolls off on account of my desk is propped up with a stack of coasters I stole from Applebees, but it won’t stay level when the restrooms flood in our building and soak the coasters. I’d put my pen behind my ear, but I don’t want to look like an idiot with an eye patch and a pen behind my ear.So I got this, and now I can store my pen in it. The only thing is it only works on pens, and not highlight markers, so I still have to keep those in the pocket of my polo.I think this is a great investment for someone who doesn’t have a place to stick a pen.

Randi Perez says:

Cool desk accessory This item is great fun. Fred is on my desk at my office and entertains all who come to my domain. I plan on getting more from this series of practical-use entertaining items. He was a tad shorter than I imagined, but the perfect size for a pen holder and a spellbinding desk tool. His color is ideal also! So very happy I purchased Fred and highly recommend him for someone looking for unique practical use tools.

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