I Funny: A Middle School Story

Pinned on December 25, 2012 at 2:00 am by Jacqueline Radtke

I Funny: A Middle School Story
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Jamie Grimm is a middle schooler on a mission: he wants to become the world’s greatest standup comedian–even if he doesn’t have a lot to laugh about these days. He’s new in town and stuck living with his aunt, uncle, and their evil son Stevie, a bully who doesn’t let Jamie’s wheelchair stop him from messing with Jamie as much as possible. But Jamie doesn’t let his situation get him down. He practices the craft of stand-up every day on friends, family, and the willing customers at his Uncle Frankie’s diner. When Uncle Frankie mentions a contest called The Planet’s Funniest Kid Comic, Jamie knows he has to enter. But are the judges only rewarding him out of pity because of his wheelchair, like Stevie suggests? Will Jamie ever share the secret of his troubled past instead of hiding behind his comedy act?

Following the bestselling success of the hilarious Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life, James Patterson continues to dish out the funnies in another highly-illustrated, heartfelt middle school story.

Click Here For More Information


Geraldine Ahearn "Author Geri Ahearn" says:

“CLEVER, FUNNY, HEARTWARMING!” James Patterson does it again as a Master storyteller as he did in his other Middle School stories, making this one as good as ‘The Worst Years Of My Life.’ I find this story to be a golden winner of the series, simply because I was able to relate to events that took place, while having flashbacks of coping mechanisms and survival techniques. Of course most of us could relate to the funny, and not so funny activities that took place in middle school, and we never forget after the years have passed. But, I also related to the situations and feelings that Jamie Grimm experienced, because I’ve seen a great deal, and also have a special needs child. The authors clearly brought us all back to the immature groups, the bullies, and special people that reserve a place in your heart for a long time. Jamie had dreams like many, and he followed them, deserving respect and recognition of being a hero in many ways. He builds a brick wall to keep out the evil that spreads like wildfire from the bullies as he sets out on a mission to fulfill his dream. This intriguing story tugs at the heart as we learn that Jamie has a haunting past that he must deal with in order to move on. He is the average kid, who becomes unforgettable as he learns that there’s a place for everyone in this world. This amazing story is a trip down memory lane for some, and a lesson learned for the new kid on the block as we take a good look at bullies, geeks, and the dreamers. Middle school kids will love this book. Brilliant, thought-provoking, funny, and touching. To sum it up, superb in every way!An enjoyable and educational read, with dynamic artwork. Highly recommended!

B. Ladewig says:

So good I loved this book. Very funny and such a good story! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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