One Smile

Pinned on December 24, 2012 at 12:05 pm by Matthew Chatfield

One Smile
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Even the smallest acts of kindness can powerfully impact the lives of others. This truth is beautifully demonstrated as we follow the far-reaching effects of young Katie’s innocent smile.

With this simple gesture, she ignites a circle of warmth that flows from person to person, touching the hearts and lives of people she may never even meet.

Cindy McKinley’s enchanting story, brought to life by Mary Gregg Byrne’s exquisite watercolor illustrations, will warm your heart with its timeless message. Children and adults alike will be inspired to pass One Smile on to everyone they meet.

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Huntress Reviews says:

Highly recommended! One simple little smile, sometimes given without any thought at all, can start a ripple of happiness that will go on forever. This is the unmistakable truth that is so clearly authenticated in One Smile.

Education Oasis "Education Oasis" says:

Educator Favorite What can one smile do? Quite a lot as we find out in this noteworthy tale. The story begins with Katie walking with her mother through the park. She thoughtfully bestows a bright smile on a forlorn, out-of-work young man sitting on a park bench. It inspires the young man to begin looking for a new job. While doing so, he sees a woman whose car has a flat tire. He changes the tire for her. She, in turn, leaves a large tip for a waitress. This continues on until, eventually, the good feelings inspired by Katie’s smile comes back to her and her mother.

M. Lamere says:

Smile at Someone Today! A warm smile when you’re feeling down works wonders. A little girl’s friendly smile starts the pay-it-forward story of how a tiny act of kindness can work wonders throughout a community. Each character is affected by the actions of someone who has been influenced by someone else’s small act, and the tale cycles back on itself in a satisfying way. My class of 1st and 2nd graders got the message loud and clear and have often referred back to One Smile when we have encountered similar situations in other books. Read the book and try smiling broadly at the next person you meet; it really works!

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