Innovation at the Speed of Laughter (Enhanced Version)

Pinned on December 22, 2012 at 6:49 pm by Todd Stephens

Innovation at the Speed of Laughter (Enhanced Version)
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It’s no secret that new ideas fuel profitability. Even when companies hire top talent and teach best skills, few are able to affect the bottom line unless their employees can generate and execute new concepts. It sounds like a simple principle, but finding new ideas can become a company’s greatest challenge. What if we were to tell you that a little comedy theater in Minneapolis has created an incredibly effective process to build and maintain a culture that brings idea generation to the next level? In fact, the owner and executive producer of that little theater has used this breakthrough process to help companies like 3M, Microsoft, UnitedHealth Group, Ingersoll Rand, Disney and hundreds of others adopt behaviors and techniques to fuel innovation. Now, John Sweeney is sharing that process in this Vook, Innovation at the Speed of Laughter. Borne from the formula used for more than 52 years to help write outlandish satirical comedy, Sweeney’s Vook describes eight principles that guide companies, leaders and individuals to generate more and better ideas. Using client case studies and a lighthearted writing style, this book is especially appealing to business leaders, team builders and companies seeking to build a culture of innovation.

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M Jacobson says:

Stands out from the crowd The thing I really liked about this book is that it is very different from your typical business book.For one thing, it’s actually interesting.While it’s a fun and entertaining read, it’s at the same time both applicable and thought provoking as well.A second reason I greatly admire this book is that rather than just stating theories about the ideal work environment, John Sweeney goes on to actually give cold, hard facts and examples, as well as tangible and implementable ways as to how one can get from point A to point B in actually achieving the ideas which are presented. After completing the book one has realistic ideas and suggestions for how to improve a company work environment, hence increase innovation, hence productivity, and hence bottom line. And if you’re like me, you also finish with a whole notepad full of other ideas you can’t wait to get started on.”Innovation at the Speed of Laughter” is a very smart book. It makes a point and makes it well, and John Sweeney gets straight to the heart of the matter without mincing words or space or hence readers’ time.The book is set aside from other books in the field because somehow John Sweeney is able to do all of the above while not patronizing his readers, being completely honest, and then making you both think and laugh all in the same book.Highly recommend as both a usable tool and as a great read as well.

TC Reader says:

Brave New Believer! I bought a copy of Innovation at the Speed of Laughter after seeing John Sweeney present at a meeting for my company. He is a FABULOUS speaker and the book is a nice companion piece to his very positive, entertaining message. Believe it or not, John’s 8 Secrets have some depth to them…not what I expected from the owner of a comedy theater. The book is both insightful and entertaining and he makes some good arguments for why people should consider implementing his 8 Secrets. Particularly as it relates to improving openmindedness in the workplace.On the back jacket is a tongue and cheek reference to Who Moved My Cheese and FISH. I found John’s book to be equally beneficial, if not more so as far as a frame work for improving workplace culture. I highly recommend it for HR and creative types.

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