Can I Have Joy in My Life? (Crucial Questions (Reformation Trust))

Pinned on June 26, 2013 at 2:57 pm by Michael Radtke

Can I Have Joy in My Life? (Crucial Questions (Reformation Trust))
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Dr. R.C. Sproul cuts through the confusion surrounding this popular but misunderstood attribute. By abiding in Christ, Dr. Sproul shows that we may experience fullness of joy, a joy that transcends unhappy circumstances and even permits us to rejoice with others because of the blessed hope Christ provides.

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Jennifer Shirk says:

fantastic Sproul has a way of writing that takes a difficult topic of Biblical Joy and makes it very clear. I found it so enlightening, I read this book twice in a row, since it was fairly short and I plan on reading it again in the future.

Rebecca of Amazon "The Rebecca Review" says:

Yes You Can! Sproul writes some very encouraging books and this one is no exception. “Can I Have Joy In My Life” is a very optimistic book that explains the difference between happiness and joy. Sproul also discusses the enemy of joy and reveals the true source of joy. So reading this book is a very positive experience. I look forward to reading more books by this author as his books are very meaningful.~The Rebecca Review

Dana says:

excellent! Absolutely loved this! What an excellent lesson on joy & why it is so important. sproul says more in this little booklet than most preachers ever say in their whole life.

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