
Pinned on June 26, 2013 at 2:57 pm by George Fleetwood

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2009 studio album from the reformed band led by guitarist extraordinaire Trey Anastasio. The album was produced by Steve Lillywhite and was recorded in New York’s Chung King Studios. Many of the album’s 10 songs have already been road-tested during the band’s reunion tour and retain their fresh, live feel on the studio recordings. The album is already being called the band’s best ever studio release.

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Matt W says:

Some nice nuggest for Phish fans Don’t normally leave reviews, but it was sad to see a single 1 star review for this album from a disappointed fan. As with the last couple of studio releases from Phish, Joy requires a) some interest in Phish and what they’re doing and b) an open mind with regards to how the new stuff sounds vs. the old stuff.I can’t see this album being a commercial success, though its not for lack of trying. The first two tracks are clear commercial/radio shots. They’re not bad, but I’d be surprised if they gained much mainstream appreciation. Diehard Phish fans will probably find them flat. Backwards Down the Number Line does catch on you after a few listens. The first minute of the song leaves a bad first impression, but by the end of it I’m wishing it would go on a bit longer. The inclusion of a nice live version of it on Track 11 is wise, as it shows the song can lead to a relatively interesting jam.That said, there are some nice Phish nuggets here that open-minded Phans should appreciate: Sugar Shack is a fun and funky number – give it two listens before you judge. Ocelot has potential for a real nice live jam; I sense the studio isn’t doing this song justice. Light starts out with a great electronic/instrumental jam that I look forward to hearing more improvisation upon. And, of course, Time Turns Elastic is a nice long exploration that will become a major 2nd Set contribution for shows to come.Is it as good as Junta? Of course not. No band in history has ever put out work with he energy and creativity they started with 20+ years ago. That doesn’t mean that something a third as good isn’t worth creating. So give it a chance. For a band of this longevity, this is a solid effort.

John M. Mahoney III says:

Solid Studio Release Phish is obviously a band famous for their live performances with elusive jams, extensive solos, and song transitions that melt Moma Dance into Ghost like a little kids ice cream during a hot summer day. I personally own a collection of Hundreds of live bootlegs and love every one of them. Due to this obsession for uniqueness only found in the Live music, Phish’s studio albums often get overlooked by fans. I myself fall victim to going years only listening to Phish bootlegs without touching a studio release. Rift and Billy Breathes are my favorite studio albums when I am looking for a change. Even though tickets for their 2009 Summer tour were immediately sold out within less than ten minutes(mostly to scalpers), I do not expect this album to do well from an album sales perspective, yet that does not stop the album from being good in its own right.Over the Summer Tour Phish mixed in, regularly, most of the songs on this album maybe even playing Time Turns Elastic one too many times for some fans, although I feel the band played a good mix of old and new as a whole. Having gone to 9 shows this summer I was able to hear all the songs a few times. At the moment, I hated them and loved them depending on my mood. Rating by the live renditions my favorite new songs were Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan, Ocelot, and Alaska(not on album), oh how did I almost forget my favorite “Party Time”(available on Joy deluxe edition or the Maryland show bootleg ;} ) a Jon Fishman original in the spirit of HA HA HA HA(also played right before Party Time the first time live). Songs such as Kill Devil Falls and Backwards Down the Number Line saw some nice jams throughout the tour, also.Oh yeah this is supposed to be a review of the studio album, so on we go. I will have to say that I enjoy the album more than expected. Obviously, most of the studio versions of songs are shorter and more crisp than the live versions. Some of the songs that may have appeared to break the flow of a live show, such as Joy and Light, fit very nicely into the peaceful, transcending nature of this album. Stealing Time From The Faulty Plan plays better live, but the studio version is commendable. Time Turns elastic is a good song in its own right and plays in movements like a classical piece. Twenty Years Later is one of the highlights of the album and takes advantage of the studio production to clean up the voices and guitar licks. As a whole, I feel the production is very crisp and smooth and the album flows to a upbeat, yet relaxing tune.If you are expecting to hear the next Punch You In The Eye(which I do not believe even has a studio equivalent anyways) or the live jamming Phish(as seen in concert) this album is a waste of time, but if you are looking to hear Phish’s studio offering for what it is then Phish’s true versatility to shine through in all genres of music may appear.Currently, the album can be sampled on Phish’s MySpace in its entirety for free. I’ll see everyone at festival 8 where Phish will do what it does best, but until then check this out its worth the while. Ignore the 1 star DB’s this album is a 3 at worst.

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