The Happiness Dare: Pursuing Your Heart’s Deepest, Holiest, and Most Vulnerable Desire

Pinned on July 28, 2016 at 11:00 pm by Shirley Lemon

The Happiness Dare: Pursuing Your Heart’s Deepest, Holiest, and Most Vulnerable Desire
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Would you like to be happier?
No matter who you are or how you feel, chances are you would answer yes. And Jennifer Dukes Lee was no different. For years, she wrestled with a constant nagging sense that she wasn’t as happy as she could be. At the same time, she felt guilty for wanting something so “shallow.” After all, doesn’t God only care that we find joy in our circumstances? Or is it possible that God really does want us to be happy?

Determined to get answers, Jennifer embarked on a quest to find out whether our happiness matters to God and, if so, how to pursue it in a way that pleases him.

In The Happiness Dare, you’ll learn what she discovered, including how to:

Will you take the dare?

Join Jennifer in the pursuit of your truest, most satisfied, and most faith-filled self.

Click Here For More Information


rudy says:

This book is a life-changer. No, it’s a LIFESAVER!

R. Hopkins says:

Finding Authentic Happiness

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