Liquid Ass

Pinned on January 21, 2013 at 4:53 am by James Burns

Liquid Ass
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Liquid ASS is an overwhelming, stinky, funny prank product. Once unleashed, this power-packed, super-concentrated liquid begins to evaporate filling the air with a genuine, foul butt-crack smell with hints of dead animal and fresh poo. The funny pranks you can pull with Liquid ASS are unlimited. Watching the facial grimaces of people and hearing their comments about the part-your-hair, gagging stench will have you laughing until it hurts.

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Mack R. says:

The quintessential fart prank! My bottle of liquid ass arrived in the mail the other day. I wanted to try it at home before unleashing it at work. Entering the kitchen, I sprayed one tiny little “poof” and waited. Within one minute, the kitchen smelled as if an entire college football offensive line had overdone it at the taco stand the previous night.It was so bad that the cat came into the kitchen and was scraping the bare tile floor with his paw as if he was trying to cover up a huge invisible turd! I’ve owned other fart sprays that didn’t quite smell “right”. But Liquid Ass really smells like the real deal.One word of advice: This is best used in a room with more than 3 people. Crowded dance floors at weddings is ideal! For maximum enjoyment, do not overdo it. Only the worst of genuine human farts are capable of clearing a room. This stuff is extremely powerful so use sparingly to preserve realism. Also, do not let ANYONE know that you have this stuff. As soon as they find out, the fun is over.Have fun!

GregS says:

True to its name Just to point something out here… this stuff does not smell like a fart. If you think it does, check your drawers. It smells like ass. A big, hairy, poorly wiped, rarely washed, possibly diseased, decaying ass. It is so real, you’ll swear you can smell the hairs in it. I’m actually suspicious that it might not be artificial ingredients, but actual residue from someone’s crack. It is THAT bad!I tried it at work. Nailed the elevator good, and watched one person after another step in, and immediately step out and opt for the stairs. Only one flight of stairs, but that was a blessing by comparison even for the morbidly-obese woman who also opted to take the stairs. Tried it in the office. Thankfully my neighbor happened to have a fan aiming away from my own desk. I heard everything from “shart” to “dead rat” to “they must be cleaning dead frogs out of the vents again.” One older gentleman actually went to the bathroom to check his own pants, just in case.I would never recommend this as cologne.

Dennis Duncan says:

Truly lives up to the hype I bought two bottles of this stuff last week after seeing all the online pranks and reviews. I was not disappointed in the least. Liquid A*s is without a doubt the foulest smell I have ever encountered in my twenty nine years life.The only way I can explain the smell is imagine putting a pile of cat crap in a bathtub full of rotten eggs, and urine that has been farted, and vomited in, then left to sit in the sun for a couple weeks. Two squirts of it had my wife gagging and me rolling on the floor laughing. It is truly a soul shattering smell.If you love playing jokes on unsuspected victims this is the product for you, but be warned. Liquid A*s puts off a smell that could end a marriage. lol

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