A Joyful Marriage Fortress

Pinned on January 20, 2013 at 9:24 am by Jeffrey Stephens

A Joyful Marriage Fortress
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There’s a war raging, targeting stealthy assaults on the institution of marriage and family since antiquity. And if you’re alive, you’re in it. In A Joyful Marriage Fortress, insightful author Terry Scerine debuts with an invitation for you to explore a unique approach to building and restoring marriages to a new level of fullness in joy and purpose. If you are considering marriage, or are currently in a struggling or otherwise joyless marriage, or your family is in peril and you’re hoping for real answers, A Joyful Marriage Fortress will lift you to new heights of discovery. If you are willing to surrender and follow the guidance of the only true Expert on marriage and human behavior, your marriage can enjoy fullness and freedom as A Joyful Marriage Fortress! ‘A Joyful Marriage Fortress is an absolute must for marriages and counselors today. This is an excellent volume. Not only does it explain what God requires of a marriage, but it explains clearly how to obey God’s commandments for it. What a blessing it has been for me to read! Get it, read it, and profit from it.’ Penny White Port Orchard, WA

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Randall Jernigan says:

A Joyful Marriage Fortress This book has changed my life and more importantly, my marriage. As I read the book and began to examine myself and my role in my marriage more closely, I realized that there were things that needed fixing-on my part. I was amazed at how much of what the Bible has to say about a woman’s role in marriage I had forgotten! Terry Scerine’s book reminded me via sound Biblical advice and scripture. The joyful part about it is that when I changed and lined up with God’s word-my husband was blessed as much as I was. Our 36 year marriage has never been better! I highly recommend this book to all men and women who want a better, happier marriage. Julie Jernigan

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