Make HAPPINESS Want You!

Pinned on July 9, 2017 at 1:53 am by Leslie Arbour

Make HAPPINESS Want You!
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Make HAPPINESS Want You!
The time that has elapsed since the 1st edition has taught me one very important thing: If we want to be really happy, we must forgive, both ourselves and others, that simple, that difficult. Therefore, this 2nd edition contains some thoughts about why, what for, to whom and how to forgive.

The problem is, what we don’t know that we don’t know.

This book tells you about those basic concepts , that we haven’t been taught, but are essential for us to feel happy, and those which have been instilled in us, but are unnecessary and even counterproductive to reach that goal.

Thus, we must rethink the ideas received in 4 areas:
I. Reality , as it is and as we perceive it according to the way we are.
II. Happiness : which is our motor of life and what drives us to make decisions:
- if the search for pleasure or the avoidance of suffering,
- whether to desire or not to desire as you are from the West or the East.
And, how to recover happiness lost after a major crisis.
III. Me : The way we are and what should be our basic survival equipment.
IV. The Others and the Upper Level distinguishing two relationship plans:
a horizontal plane : which includes social skills, communication, and our relationships with others by learning to play the game everyone else plays, keeping a healthy emotional autonomy
a vertical plane : that of creativity, which consists of transforming everyday life into a reality full of value, giving you every day the opportunity to be the most vibrant being of your Life

This book aims to serve as a catalyst between you and life, and pull the trigger so that you display that wonderful being that you are.

If you read it and you are aware of its message you will not have to run after Happiness because you will be so Irresistible that…
Happiness will want you!

*Versión en Español ¡Sé irresistible-mente feliz!

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