The Pursuit of Happiness: 21 Spiritual Rules to Success

Pinned on August 25, 2013 at 2:51 pm by Edgar Bernal

The Pursuit of Happiness: 21 Spiritual Rules to Success
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What do most people desire in life? It is not money, it is not even love, it is happiness!

Praise for The Pursuit of Happiness: 21 Spiritual Rules To Success:

  • One of the best inspirational books I have read in a long time. — Aulani
  • These tools help shift your thinking, commit to your dreams and show you anything is possible — Linda H.
  • If I find myself in a slump or needing motivation, it’s a great resource to get me back on track. It really gave me a sense of peace and clarity — Annette 
  • The author uses personal example as a means of getting her message across, as well as provides exercises at the end of Spiritual Rules to assist the reader in better accomplishing their personal goals. Her key insights, into different situations, really hit home for me. – Lamanda A. Nance 

The Book:

  • Learn how unnecessary negativity in your life can be avoided.
  • Discover how to shift negative thinking into positive thinking.
  • A positive attitude will change your life, keeping a positive attitude
    can be easier then you think when following these simple rules.
  • Everyone is searching for happiness. This book is a mini-course outlining 21
    spiritual rules to finding success when you are in “The Pursuit of
    Happiness.” The book was designed with a specific purpose, as a guide to
    help you tap into your natural ability to be happy. Everyone has the
    ability to find happiness in his or her life, yet sometimes you need a
    road map. “The Pursuit of Happiness” is your spiritual road map. 

Buy a copy and learn to enjoy the journey!

Click Here For More Information


Carol Gai says:

The Pursuit of Happiness, step by step Jennifer O’Neill’s new book provides down-to-earth, user-friendly advice, reminding us of the basic virtues of life. Including mental training tips and meditation method. I particularly enjoyed JO’s real life story, daring and delightful! Would love to hear more! I personally dislike the use of the terms “rules” or “commandments”, as I do not appreciate an authoritative direction or instruction to do something.

Jo-ann Albano "Jodelpa3" says:

Good reminder Lots of reviews saying nothing new in this book. While I agree, I also think that sometimes we just need a reminder of what we already know to get us back on track. I think this book does just that in a simple and concrete way. I enjoyed it as a light, easy read.

Nikki says:

Would not waste your time on this one I found nothing original or of practical use in this book, just a repackaging of cliches which more or less could have been edited down to “Just don’t let stuff bother you.” Not interesting or helpful.

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