Emma, Smile and Say “Cupcake!” (Cupcake Diaries)

Pinned on January 20, 2013 at 1:53 pm by Cathy Watt

Emma, Smile and Say “Cupcake!” (Cupcake Diaries)
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Emma wants to be a model, but membership in the Cupcake Club might be all the fame she needs.

The Special Day wedding salon is running an ad in the local newspaper, and they want Emma to model in the advertisement. When a local department store also wants to use Emma as a model, she’s suddenly very much in demand! But after running all over New York City for auditions (and being told over and over she “just isn’t right”) Emma realizes being a model is a lot tougher than she thought. Does Emma really want to be America’s next top model, or is being a part of the Cupcake Club sweet enough?

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Leah Schneider says:

Ohhh Olivia Allen I recommend this book for fashionista and young models. When I was ages 6-8 I modeled it was fun but took a ton of patience my agent was my mom and I appreciated her kindness but when it came to Oliva she barley cared about her mom husky go on an read the dang book

lisa tighe says:

Awesome The book had cupcakes modeling and a hard decision. The book could have used more for what happens after Emma talks to Olivia.

theresa spano says:

Awesome I love all the books do far there all so good Mai is my favorite character I love the fashion

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