Gentle Yoga for Every Body

Pinned on December 25, 2012 at 10:59 am by Walter Matthews

Gentle Yoga for Every Body
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Gentle Yoga for Every Body has 12 customized routines that make all the physical and mental benefits of yoga available to everyone. Over the centuries, yoga practitioners have discovered simple and effective practices to reduce stress and achieve optimal health, vitality and serenity. This DVD has specially modified poses and routines so that no matter how flexible or inflexible you are, you can experience the numerous benefits of yoga.

This revolutionary, interactive system allows you to choose from over 12 customized routines ranging from 15-60 minutes. The DVD is arranged in 3 sections, Very Gentle, Gentle and Gentle Challenge to meet your ever changing needs.

Routines include:

– Routines to build strength and increase flexibility gently

– Modified routines to meet a wide variety of needs, including seated in a chair, lying down and standing positions.

– Specific issues, such as Neck and shoulders

– Relaxation and stress reducing routines

– Breathing exercises

30 MINUTE BONUS FEATURE: Living Compassion with the Dalai Lama

Click Here For More Information


fsg says:

Something for everyone I have a bad shoulder/arm due to injury, as well as some more generalized joint problems, so was looking for something gentle that would allow me to safely improve my flexibility. This DVD fits the bill.It’s broken down into three difficulty levels — Very Gentle, Gentle, and Gentle Challenge. Within each of those levels are a variety of different routines that you can choose from, depending on your needs and abilities. I am still only on the Very Gentle level, but have found a routine that works very well for me. I’m not yet able to do all of the exercises in that routine, but am improving each day.The instructor explains and demonstrates the poses very well, and she’s very clear about not having to push yourself if a pose proves too challenging. This allows for a comfortable pace tailored to your specific needs. It also feels great to see progress — something I couldn’t quite do one day, I can do a bit better the next, and better still the next.The setting is calm and relaxing, and it’s very easy to keep up with and follow the routines. I’d thought that yoga wasn’t something I would be able to do at all, but this DVD has proven me wrong.For people who are super fit and flexible, this DVD is probably way too beginner-ish. But if you have any kind of physical or mobility issues, or just lack flexibility, give this a try. The different routines take various approaches that ensure there will be something for everybody — for me, the routine sitting in a chair works best, but for others the lying down routine might fit the bill, for example.Very pleased with this so far and would recommend it to anyone who thinks yoga is out of their reach.

A. Mally says:

It Is Gentle Yoga I ordered this to see if I could actually do yoga. I tried a few times, but it was always too difficult, but the description seemed to be what I was looking for. And so far it is just what I wanted.It is set up with three levels, Very Gentle (some workouts is solely sitting on a chair to start), Gentle and Gentle Challenge. And I can actually work with the Very Gentle. The movements are geared to make it nice and easy and I have been happy with how I feel. There are some more challenging items in the next sections from what I have seen, but even then there seems to be a nice bring along with what you can do.If you have been looking for any type of Gentle Yoga, this one is it. The 5 or so routines in the Very Gentle, which is what I have been using now every other day for a couple of weeks, makes this worthwhile.Very pretty setting along the water is nice and relaxing.

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