Spontaneous Happiness: A New Path to Emotional Well-Being

Pinned on December 24, 2012 at 4:15 pm by Cathy Watt

Spontaneous Happiness: A New Path to Emotional Well-Being
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A paradigm-shifting guide to peak emotional wellness.

In SPONTANEOUS HAPPINESS, Dr. Andrew Weil redefines the notion of happiness and demonstrates the limitations of the biomedical model of mental health. He presents a vast, scientifically proven array of integrative treatment strategies for low mood and depression, drawing on techniques from Ayurveda, Buddhism, acupuncture, psychotherapy, mindfulness training, and much more. Dr. Weil offers advice on lifestyle, behavior, and dietary changes, and helps readers assess their own emotional well-being and build personalized step-by-step plans to manage their moods. Whether suffering from mild to moderate depression, or simply seeking greater contentment, readers can use Dr. Weil’s science-based integrative approach to achieve their goals.

Click Here For More Information


SCOTT FREILE "Dr. Scotty ScottyDogBooks" says:

Not the Psychobabble of TV Guru’s, Dr. Weil is the real expert! I am a Psychologist and Pharmacognosist (ethnobotanist), in large part because of being inspired by Dr.W’s first books, “The Natural Mind” and his book about the miracle like qualities of mushrooms, and his classic book “From Chocolate to Morphine”. His ability to speak to the reader in a conversational way while explaining complex subjects backed by a broad and firm base of scientific research is unique among scientists. He makes the reader comfortable with the concepts, the science, and the practical approach to overcoming depression and anxiety without talking down to the reader. Dr.W. is entertaining and has the nack of making you feel like you are listening to an old friend. Having heard him give a talk in the mid 1970′s and reading everything he wrote, I know how truly exceptional he is as a scientist and physician, but he is remarkable in his ability to bring together the biology, psychology, and spiritual nature without resorting to quick fixes and aphorisms based on pseudo-science and secret knowledge. Dr.W’ has done the work and spent a lifetime researching the mind-body-spirit relationship and how it applies to health and healing of people around the world. The reader who has followed his work from the beginning will find a continuity in this new book and will be familiar with many of the concepts from his earlier books. I always find his newest book to be based on his earlier work but still able to fascinate and inform me on his newest topic. This book did not disappoint, it goes on my shelf as my latest text book and further it is a book I will recommend to all of my colleagues and patients who are struggling with life. I plan to send several of my friends who fight depression and anxiety this book for Christmas. This is not just another feel good book based on pop psychology nor is it an esoteric treatise on spiritual practices that take years of practice. This is a great book for a fan of the good Doctor and a truly fantastic book for anyone who needs real practical help finding contentment in this world without joining a cult or taking another antidepressant. If I only recommended one book this would be it! Dr.Scott Freile (retired) SCOTTYDOGBOOKS.COM (AMAZON.COM SELLER)

the critic says:

Even Better Than Anticipated I’ve always found Dr. Weil to the be the sound of reason and the perfect balance between natural health and science. I happened to see a Dr. Oz show that he was on and he was giving a few natural alternatives to antidepressants. Being someone who has always suffered from some level of melancholia that every so often leads to a deeper level of depression and anxiety, I listened closely. I decided to try the Holy Basil he recommended because it sounded like something safe I could try with no side effects. Keep in mind I had been mildly to moderately depressed for the last year with bouts of anxiety. I took it for the first day and felt nothing. The second day I started excitedly planning for the future and walked around especially happy. Later on in the day, I wondered why I was suddenly in such a great mood and feeling so motivated and optimistic and remembered the Holy Basil! Anyway, it worked so well it really sparked my interest and so I ordered the book. Everything is so relevant to not only me and my life with all it’s stresses and anxiety but to everyone in this day of information overload. I found this book to be life altering. It’s extremely well written and interesting to read and doesn’t just address problems, it tells you what to do about them. I urge everyone to read this book, not just those who are depressed. It’s about well-being and about reducing stress because stress leads to all sorts of problems… mentally and physically and this is something we can all benefit from.

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