Can You Hear the Laughter? – The Story of Freddie Prinze [VHS]

Pinned on December 22, 2012 at 4:52 am by Glen Dunbar

Can You Hear the Laughter? – The Story of Freddie Prinze [VHS]
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Life story of the late comedian Freddie Prinze

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Melody says:

Disappointing! This movie is full of inaccuracies and seemed to just want to cash in on Freddie’s death. The film states it was based on articles, etc., so need I say more? They added things in that were untrue, which is disrespectful to Prinze. Time and care could have been taken to produce a factual movie. I’d only recommend this movie as a collectible if you are a fan, but don’t take it as gospel.

I "IRL" says:

negative This movie was very negative.It did not tell us anything about who Freddie Prinze was as a person, his family, his jewish father or his Puerto Rican mother. The characters were all unrealistic and their actions were very stereotypical. The actor in this movie had a difficult time telling jokes making it hard to believe he could be such a talented comedian. Also it is implied that New Yorkers are naive hicks when compared to West coast politics. I feel this movie portrayed a famous latino (Stateside Puerto Rican) in a extremely stereotipical way harmful to the identity of Latinos in the USA and did not teach us anything about the true talent and life of Freddie Prinze. This movie is not worth watching…

viewer says:

Great Movie!! This is a great movie based on the reknowned 70′s comedian”Freddie Prinze”(Chico and The Man).It’s a must see!!

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