All You Need is Friends Let me start out by saying that I probably owe my life to Friends. They kept me going through some tough times, and I always knew I could look forward to Thursday nights at 8pm. Now that Friends has ended, while I am terribly sad, I now can buy these DVDs and watch Friends whenever I want.Season 10 is wonderful. I must say that I prefer the newer seasons, probably from season 6 on. The Monica and Chandler relationship is amazing, and Phoebe and Mike are perfect together. Of course, we still have Rachel and Ross, who are the best couple. Going into season 10, there were some questions: what would happen with Monica and Chandler’s adoption ideas? what about Rachel and Ross? What would Rachel and Joey turn into? And then we knew Phoebe would be getting married…All of these questions are answered in season 10. I have to say that my favorite episode is The Last One, which is an hour long episode that is truly remarkable. I had high expectations for the last episode, and my expectations were more than exceeded. The writers managed to keep the last episode funny, cheeful, romantic, and completely beautiful and amazing. Everything turns out the way it’s supposed to.This DVD set comes with some great extras, including many hilarius gag reels and interviews with the cast.Some other favorite episodes in season ten are:The One with Ross’s Tan [Ross decides to get a spray on tan... but things don't turn out quite right. Meanwhile Phoebe and Monica try to avoid their old friend Amanda who will keep you laughing for hours.]The One Where Rachel’s Sister Baby-sits. [Christina Applegate is remarkable. This episode is fantastically done.]The One with the Late Thanksgiving. [Monica is forced to cook Thanksgiving for the Friends, but to her great anger, everybody arrives late. This episode is extremely powerful, especially some of the visual aspects.]The One with Phoebe’s Wedding. [Phoebe's big day takes a surprising turn when a huge blizzard hits town. The wedding turns out to be right outside of Central Perk, the Friends' local hangout, and this is really sweet considering that it is one of the last episodes.]The One Where Joey Speaks French. [Just imagine Joey speaking French]The One with Princess Consuela. [Phoebe changes her name... but not to Phoebe Hannigan... to something much different!]The One where Estelle Dies [The Joey-Phoebe relationship in this episode is priceless]The One with Rachel’s Going Away Party. [This episode had me in tears. Rachel says goodbye to each Friend individually, but she doesn't say anything to Ross. Ross, thinking she forgot about him, is very upset, and let's Rachel know.]The Last One. [I'm not going to put in a caption for this one... just watch it.]This is a fantastic buy. You will laugh and cry as you watch these young people begin their adult lives.
i will miss FRIENDS i own all the 9 seasons available so far and will buy 10 as soon as it comes out. i agree with some of the reviews that season 10 wasn’t as good as some of the other seasons, like 5 and 6, but it IS still Friends.and to all those who think this that the Friends are disfunctional and highly unrealistic, therefore the show is stupid, i just have to say — since when do you watch anything coming out of Hollywood for a glimpse of reality? the show is very entertaining, therefore it serves its purpose. i’ll miss it!!
I feel like I’m betraying an old friend, but… …I just don’t like this season.I own all 10 seasons on DVD, and I have always watched the entire set of discs for each season within a couple of weeks (if even that long!) of buying them but I just can’t do that with season 10.I’ve owned this for nearly two months and haven’t finished the second disc. I have no desire to… The acting seems poor, the story lines seem forced and I really don’t find the stories to be that great. Yes, there are still good moments in this season, but for the most part I think it’s just a big yawn.I love this show, don’t get me wrong. I started watching back in 1995 and watched faithfully up until the series finale aired. I even cried knowing it was over. But really, what I miss is the classic moments of Friends. And I have them all on DVD so I can watch them any time I want, so it’s not ALL bad. Especially considering the show went waay downhill when they started toying with the idea of Joey and Rachel as a couple…Ah, that’s just my opinion! Already I feel guilty for stating it…If you’re a fan and you own the other seasons, you’ve got to have this. The set wouldn’t be complete without it.
All You Need is Friends
Let me start out by saying that I probably owe my life to Friends. They kept me going through some tough times, and I always knew I could look forward to Thursday nights at 8pm. Now that Friends has ended, while I am terribly sad, I now can buy these DVDs and watch Friends whenever I want.Season 10 is wonderful. I must say that I prefer the newer seasons, probably from season 6 on. The Monica and Chandler relationship is amazing, and Phoebe and Mike are perfect together. Of course, we still have Rachel and Ross, who are the best couple. Going into season 10, there were some questions: what would happen with Monica and Chandler’s adoption ideas? what about Rachel and Ross? What would Rachel and Joey turn into? And then we knew Phoebe would be getting married…All of these questions are answered in season 10. I have to say that my favorite episode is The Last One, which is an hour long episode that is truly remarkable. I had high expectations for the last episode, and my expectations were more than exceeded. The writers managed to keep the last episode funny, cheeful, romantic, and completely beautiful and amazing. Everything turns out the way it’s supposed to.This DVD set comes with some great extras, including many hilarius gag reels and interviews with the cast.Some other favorite episodes in season ten are:The One with Ross’s Tan [Ross decides to get a spray on tan... but things don't turn out quite right. Meanwhile Phoebe and Monica try to avoid their old friend Amanda who will keep you laughing for hours.]The One Where Rachel’s Sister Baby-sits. [Christina Applegate is remarkable. This episode is fantastically done.]The One with the Late Thanksgiving. [Monica is forced to cook Thanksgiving for the Friends, but to her great anger, everybody arrives late. This episode is extremely powerful, especially some of the visual aspects.]The One with Phoebe’s Wedding. [Phoebe's big day takes a surprising turn when a huge blizzard hits town. The wedding turns out to be right outside of Central Perk, the Friends' local hangout, and this is really sweet considering that it is one of the last episodes.]The One Where Joey Speaks French. [Just imagine Joey speaking French]The One with Princess Consuela. [Phoebe changes her name... but not to Phoebe Hannigan... to something much different!]The One where Estelle Dies [The Joey-Phoebe relationship in this episode is priceless]The One with Rachel’s Going Away Party. [This episode had me in tears. Rachel says goodbye to each Friend individually, but she doesn't say anything to Ross. Ross, thinking she forgot about him, is very upset, and let's Rachel know.]The Last One. [I'm not going to put in a caption for this one... just watch it.]This is a fantastic buy. You will laugh and cry as you watch these young people begin their adult lives.
i will miss FRIENDS i own all the 9 seasons available so far and will buy 10 as soon as it comes out. i agree with some of the reviews that season 10 wasn’t as good as some of the other seasons, like 5 and 6, but it IS still Friends.and to all those who think this that the Friends are disfunctional and highly unrealistic, therefore the show is stupid, i just have to say — since when do you watch anything coming out of Hollywood for a glimpse of reality? the show is very entertaining, therefore it serves its purpose. i’ll miss it!!
I feel like I’m betraying an old friend, but… …I just don’t like this season.I own all 10 seasons on DVD, and I have always watched the entire set of discs for each season within a couple of weeks (if even that long!) of buying them but I just can’t do that with season 10.I’ve owned this for nearly two months and haven’t finished the second disc. I have no desire to… The acting seems poor, the story lines seem forced and I really don’t find the stories to be that great. Yes, there are still good moments in this season, but for the most part I think it’s just a big yawn.I love this show, don’t get me wrong. I started watching back in 1995 and watched faithfully up until the series finale aired. I even cried knowing it was over. But really, what I miss is the classic moments of Friends. And I have them all on DVD so I can watch them any time I want, so it’s not ALL bad. Especially considering the show went waay downhill when they started toying with the idea of Joey and Rachel as a couple…Ah, that’s just my opinion! Already I feel guilty for stating it…If you’re a fan and you own the other seasons, you’ve got to have this. The set wouldn’t be complete without it.