Happy Accidents

Pinned on January 18, 2013 at 1:57 am by Charla Rodriguez

Happy Accidents
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I Can’t Wipe this Smile Off My Face!!!!!!!!!!! I was definitely in the mood for an uplifting, life affirming movie and so, by way of recommendations from friends, I went to see “Happy Accidents.” The first thing that struck me about half way though this movie was that I was smiling…a lot. But I tend to do that when Marisa Tomei is around. Is there any other actress currently performing that is so emotionally open and accessible? So what was it? Was it the fact that the script was a Hoot? (“He could tell the photograph was of people from New York since they were all wearing black and holding apple martinis.”) Could it be Vincent D’Onofrio’s oddball performance as a man “from the future?” Maybe, but D’Onofrio has made a career of such parts and for once his physical ticks and shtick work for him instead of against. Could it be that Brad Anderson’s direction held the fine line between farce and drama as tight as a drum? Well, of course it was all of these things. Anderson is now a talent to be reckoned with as evidenced here and in the deadly serious, scary, other-worldy “Session 9.” On the surface these 2 movies would seem to have nothing in common. But on closer inspection it can be noted that they share a profound and heartfelt love of the creeps and geeks of the world as well as a like love for the unexplainable and unpenetrable. “Happy Accidents” is basically about the redemptive and cleansing qualities of love. And boy….we need a lot of that stuff these days.

K. Corn "reviewer" says:

Time travel and romance – a great date movie and more! It is hard to find truly watchable and engaging movies that both men and women will love. But this one is just that… science fiction and romance blended into a charming movie that deserves far more attention than it has been getting, since it is superior to most of the “blockbusters” that fill the movie screens these days. SOmehow this one came out and never really seemed to hit big. Now it is available on video and I urge you to grab a copy before it fades away again. Marisa Tomei may have found the role of her life playing Ruby, a woman who’s had more than her share of failed romances. Vincent D’Onofrio is perfect as the lowkey Sam, a guy who is quirky and a bit different from the average man… but for good reason, as he may (or may not) be traveling back in time, coming from 400 years in the future. If all this seems a bit farfetched, let me add that my husband and I are NOT huge fans of “science fiction” type movies – and yet we couldn’t take our eyes off the screen. Not only that, but we were charmed and touched by this movie. It is funny, romantic and quite believable. I give credit to Tomei and D’Onofrio for pulling it off.

Charlotte Vale-Allen "writerinresidence" says:

Funny and touching I’m not a Maria Tomei fan. But here’s a film that not only makes her look truly lovely, it gives her an opportunity to shine. It also has Tovah Feldshuh (who in the past has regularly played a deeply annoying attorney on Law & Order) giving a fine, controlled performance as Tomei’s mother. The movie, of course, is D’Onofrio’s. His character is just so unpredictable (light years beyond his over-the-top, yet immensely watchable geekiness on L & O Criminal Intent) in every way, that without any evident effort he makes the movie entirely his own. Is he a time-traveler, or is he just charmingly nuts? There are hilarious moments, warm and touching moments, confusing moments–all leading to a hugely gratifying conclusion. The editing is tight as a tick, the performances are all spot-on, and New York actually looks like a place where you might want to live (as long as you don’t mind relaxing in a state of danger). Catch this one!Highly recommended.

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