Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices

Pinned on December 19, 2012 at 5:07 pm by Maria Wessel

Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices
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Encouraging readers to be intelligent and skillful in their practice, this new collection by Thich Nhat Hanh outlines the essential steps by which we can all obtain real and lasting happiness. Each day, we perform the tasks of everyday life without thought or awareness — walking, sitting, working, eating, driving, and much more. But Hanh points out that if we remain truly aware of our actions, no matter the task we’re performing, we can stay engaged in our lives and better our outlook through mindfulness. This key practice is the foundation for this accessible, easy-to-understand volume, and an invaluable tool for change for both seasoned Buddhist practitioners and lay readers interested in bettering their lives through full awareness.

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J. H. Minde "Everything I need is right here" says:

Happiness: A Practical Workbook Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh has been a prolific writer. Most books on Buddhism appeal more to the intellect or to the emotions than this one. HAPPINESS is a slim volume crammed with practical daily exercises on mindfulness, lovingkindness, and awareness. This book can be used by anyone, Buddhist and non-Buddhist alike, and it does not matter if you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner.This book suggests simple, easily adaptable exercises on such primary actions as breathing, sitting, walking. awakening, eating and drinking, resting, and moving around. Exercises on such other mundane daily activities as using the telephone, coping with irritation and anger, cooking, traveling, and dealing with significant others, co-workers and strangers round out this book.Zen is at its most effective when the practitioner brings the practice out of the Zendo and into the outside world. HAPPINESS is a concise, intelligent and easy-to-use guide on how to do that.

LovesAgoodRead says:

BEST Book on “Happiness” for Me! I’ve read a few :-) “Tay’s” writing always speaks to my experiences in the most gentle yet reassuring manner. This book was to be savored. Passages read were digested with time and further thought. Each time I picked up the book again, I’d find myself smiling. (This result is clearly evident when one hasn’t smiled for a long time!)What I love most about this book is finding philosophy laced with practical approaches to routine daily living. A lot of emphasis in living in the “present moment.” For a long time, even the “present moment” concept was difficult for me to grasp, to truly comprehend the meaning, the experience. Thich Nhat Hanh clarified the idea of past, present, future in a way I had not understood before reading this book.This book is a wonderful gift – from “Tay,” for you, and for someone you love.

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